Quantum and Creation

mercredi 28 janvier 2004
par  Kevin O’SHEA


There are intriguing questions about the creation of the universe. How did the very early events of the universe happen ? How did anything get ’there’ in the first place ? What is ’reality’ in the last analysis and in its first constitution ?

The governing paradigm for understanding these mysteries is General Relativity. Science works with the knowledge that the universe is, and has been expanding. It tries to track the trajectory of that expansion backwards, towards its beginning. It assumes that the universe is consistent and continuous. It assumes that its dynamics in the trajectory of its expansion, are consistent and continuous, and governed by the laws of gravity. It sees no basic difference between the classical macro world and the smaller micro world from which the macro world has expansively evolved. At the very beginning, it tracks it all back to a singularity, where t=0 (the moment of the Big Bang). From there, it looks at the unfolding of the space-time manifold, describes the curvature of space as mass moves along the geodesic, and comes up with an ’equation of the universe’. But it does not say a lot about the actual origination of it all, and it does not say a lot about the make-up of reality, and where it came from, and how it got there. The bottom line is an assumption about a singularity.

There are always attempts in science to look more deeply into what General Relativity leaves unsaid. This means an investigation into very, very small micro realities. Quantum theory, and some of its successors like field theory, and symmetry theory, has tried to do this. It is worth looking at this, because it opens some doors for philosophical and theological thinking about the act of creation, and its result, our universe.

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Kevin O'SHEA Quantum and creation
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Logo de Eric LOMBARD
lundi 16 février 2004 à 11h44 - par  Eric LOMBARD

Oui, ce sont bien d’intriguing questions !
Oui, le paradigme actuel est la relativité générale (et pourquoi pas aussi la relativité restreinte ?) mais un paradigme n’est que la vérité généralement admise à une certaine époque (cf. Kuhn). Alors ...


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